Monday, 24 January 2011


Sometimes it feels good when you just finished your exam and can keep away all the books for awhile. Packing things to go back tomorrow and enjoying a bit of time during the holiday. I feel free for the time being yet I am thinking how my brain will undergo oxidation. I hope not. At least.

Or may be not..

I got one task to do during the holidays. This may be not compulsory but it is best if I try to join to gain some extra experience.

The University of Bath (Universiti Mandi??) in UK is organizing an innovation competition for the a-level students oversea including Malaysia, Turki, India and China. One place is reserved for each college that takes part in the competition but before that we have to send a poster and write about

How can Chemistry Help in Climate Change?

Sound simple as we compete each other through the idea in the poster regardless how we obtain the info. It can be from the internet or jurnal or whatsoever books and just present the idea in the poster.

But I have not think of any idea yet. Should watch discovery channel to widen the knowledge.

We had attended one workshop organized by the representatives of Bath University that require us to do two experiments. The first one was about biofuel and next was about solar cell. We had a brief explanation about the procedure and the rest we had to conduct the experiment in pairs but of course with the guidance of the representatives (they are lecturers of the university actually)

The 3 hours session was superb. The best part is that we used everyday materials as our sources of energy. We gained a lot of knowledge and learnt much through the experiment.

The experience is much more important. Whoever the winner among the 14 of us does not matter. Besides, this is the chance for us to know what is our own potential and how far we can go.

Past few years, I did not know what is my potential until someone gave me the golden opportunity to find the potential inside me. Even it was nothing to them but it was something to me. Something that I always remember although it was not a great achievement to be proud of but the path that I walk through gave me a meaningful lesson.

Ok, so

How can Chemistry Help in Climate Change?


Saturday, 22 January 2011


Aku tak mahir untuk berdebat tentang konflik Iraq-Amerika. Semua orang sudah maklum dan lebih faham tentang kronologi peristiwa apatah lagi propaganda yang dibawa Amerika. Cuma beri aku peluang untuk mengarang secebis pengalaman yang aku kutip ketika mengikuti satu perkongsian pengalaman dengan warga Iraq bertempat di UPM Rabu lepas.

Sesi tersebut bukan ceramah namun lebih kepada penceritaan keadaan sebenar Iraq yang dicerita sendiri oleh warga Iraq dalam bahasa Arab dengan penterjemahan terus kepada bahasa Melayu.

The Humanitarian Situation in Iraq.
Anjuran Lujnah Iraq, Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Antarabangsa IKRAM

Cukuplah apa yang aku dapat simpulkan
  1. Neraka dunia dalam penjara cukup meruntun hati.
  2. Warga Iraq sekejam-kejamnya ditindas
  3. Senjata mereka hanya bom tangan bukan kereta kebal
  4. Mati syahid adalah sumber kekuatan
  5. Golongan kurang upaya sudah kekeringan air mata untuk menahan kesakitan
  6. Syahidnya salah seorang anggota keluarga diterima dengan penuh keredaan walau sakit untuk ditelan
  7. Tertindas di tanah air sendiri
  8. Sesiapa sahaja boleh berperang asalkan punya keberanian
Pengganaskah Islam kalau bangkit untuk mempertahankan tanah air sendiri?
Dunia sedia maklum yang ditindas bukan di negara mereka tapi di negara yang mereka anggap pengganas.
Adilkah kalau mereka guna kereta kebal dan peralatan canggih sedangkan hanya dibalas dengan bom tangan buatan sendiri?
Berapa sangatlah nisbah kematian mereka kalau nak dibandingkan dengan kematian yang telah mereka sebabkan.

Masanya akan tiba. Hijab kebenaran pasti akan tersingkap. Dunia akhir zaman dan itu memang satu kepastian.

Kerdil rasa diri kerana hanya doa yang mampu aku panjatkan.

Iraq Salam membuka ruang kemanusiaan. Insya-Allah niat yang baik akan dipermudahkan.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Waktu Itu

Aku ada kawan. Lima tahun aku kenal sampai masa aku dan mereka ikut laluan sendiri. Walau besar jarak fizikal aku dan kawan tapi aku tak pernah lupa yang aku pernah ada kawan. Dan hari itu, aku cuba catat balik sejarah aku bersama mereka. Sehari ibarat sedetik bagi aku. Sekejap tapi cukup buat aku tersenyum hingga hari ini. Terima kasih kawan.

Bersantapan di Ayam Penyet.

Pecubaan pertama aku naik mende alah skaters ni berjaya

Ni ha muka-muka hampa kerana ketidakberhasilan memanjat ape-tah-taktau skaters tu.
Tyah, Botox. Nanti aku datang sana lagi korang mesti duduk di puncak ini ya. Hee.

Bermalam di Intec, menginap di asrama Tyah. Bangun pagi dengan hasrat nak berjoging kat taman luar kolej. Padahal lebih banyak jalan. Ambil angin sambil cerita tentang kehidupan masing-masing. Tak sampai satu round, singgah jap kat satu warong mak cik ni. Tapau nasi lemak bungkus.

Morning stroll diteruskan. Suasana kat taman tu memang la meriah aii. Masyarakat daripada segenap golongan bertungkus lumus menyihatkan diri dengan senaman dan joging. Seruan kerajaan menjalani Gaya Hidup Sihat disahut sebulat suara oleh masyarakat sana. Salute la itu penduduk!!

Kebetulan pulak masa aku datang sana, adalah satu golongan ni anjurkan senamrobik. Aku yang teruja macam berkenan nak join dua kaki. Nasi lemak letak kat satu bench kat bahagian belakang court. Kitorang pun dengan sebulat suara masuk je line. Takdenye orang nak marah. Terasa sihat ha sampai berpeluh satu badan. Last part tu, diorang masuk line poco-poco. Hentam je la weyh. Aku step pun tak pernah hafal. Mana ade aku aplikasikan dalam kehidupan step poco-poco ni. Orang pusing belakang kitorang ikut tapi...

Weyh, ape burung gagak tu buat dengan food kite?

Burung gagak dah sedap-sedap patuk nasi lemak. Memang rezeki ko la encik gagak oii. Donat Tyah dan nasi lemak Izzati telah terkorban menjadi santapan burung gagak.

...dan mereka terpaksa beli lagi.

Tidak ketinggalan, Maisarah, Xylem, Didy

Aifa Farihah

Kawan punya kawan

Sekejap tapi cukup bermakna.

Meet Ayam penyet. Bila lapar memang sedap. Kalau kenyang, biasa saja.

Pergh. Makan ABC kat seksyen 2, Fradoo. Memang terangkat la weyh. Mane nak dapat ABC spesel dengan ais krim topping, cokelat dan pelbagai juadah kecil-kecilan hingga penuh mangkuk dengan harga RM3? Fuhh~ cayalah Fradoo.

Petang tu perjalanan diteruskan ke UIA

Afiqah ~ terima kasih belanja makan
Aimi, Jieha ~ terima kasih sudi bawak round uia
Fairuz, Karen ~ terima kasih kerana meluangkan masa

Hajar dan Afiey main basketball.

Anis Adawiyah, Fitted

Terima kasih semua. Kalau senang nanti aku datang lagi. Korang jemputlah ke tempat aku pulak. Nanti aku try masakkan apa-apa yang spesel. Huh. Perasan terer masak. Datang tau! Boleh jumpe nigers kat sini. Hahaha

Saturday, 15 January 2011


Since every failure is a lesson, every challenge is an opportunity and every joy is a triumph, it is hard to go wrong

-Michael Addison Reed-

Betul. Ayat mudah untuk merangkumkan konklusinya, setiap perkara yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya. Usaha dan tawakal berjalan seiring. Dan yang paling penting, minat dan keyakinan Prinsip mudah untuk aplikasikan, jom main rubic cube!

Aku jadi kagum bila lihat orang terer main rubic cube. Pusing punya pusing sampai orang yang tengok pun jadi teleng tapi pengakhiranya, siap jugak. Padahal tadi macam takde satu warna pun yang sama. Hmmph. Kau nak kelentong aku yer.

Wave Rubic Cube menyerang sekolah time aku form 5. Kalau kat kelas aku, individu yang bertanggungjawab sebarkan virus ni adalah Eldaa. Pergh. Siyes aku kagum tengok dia main. Aku pun korek-korek la rahsia macammana beliau boleh berjaya siapkan rubic cube tu. Dan jawapan yang buat aku nganga termangu seketika,

Tengok kawan main dan applikasikan formula dia.

Jawapan yang pertama boleh la terima akal lagi tapi yang kedua tu cam tak masuk akal je. Ingat ni add math ke nak applykan formula. Tak nak aku hafal formula tu sume. Baik hafal formula physic lagi bagus.

Tapi akhirnya, aku terinfect juga dengan virus ni. Memang contagious habis. Mula aku tengok Eldaa main, pastu dia suruh aku try buat base satu kaler. Okeh, aku dah dapat ritma dan tempo dia. Eceh. Tipsnya, focus dengan satu kaler yang nak buat. Focus sampai lebam. Pastu buat second layer yang macamkek lapis tu. Ha, yang ni kene apply formula apekebendetah

Ni formula yang aku salin. Dulu, mane ade mase nak melayari utube segala bagai tu nak belajar main mende alah ni.

Buat ikan : F R U R' U' R' F' R U R U' R'
After ikan : R U R' U R U U R'
Last : F' L F' R R F L' F' R R F' F'

See, dah macam bunyi tekukur kene sembelih je. Kemain semangat tiap kali main rubic, refer jampi serapah ni. Sungguh la aku memang dah tak relevan. Tapi akhirnya, aku tak refer jampi tu lagi sebab lama-lama main tangan dah macam gerak sendiri. Macam tadi la, ritma dan tempo dan diadun sebati.

Then, samakan kaler top layer lak.
Sebulan aku tuntut ilmu ni, lepas tu graduate boleh jadi tutor sambilan. Ceh. Perasan.

Ni la rubic cube yang aku main sampai lebam. Hee. It's not mine actually. Maaf, 'ter'buat ini jadi harta sendiri. Takpe kan, kan, kan. Tee hee.

Daripada situ, terlakar satu pengajaran. Kejayaan takkan dapat dicapai kalau tak ada keinginan.

And it is applicable to A-Level too...

Friday, 7 January 2011

Let's Get Fit!

One lift was under maintenance. The other two were still on their way up. 23 and 15 with the up arrow sign. Nothing to be so rush on going back to the unit. Stomach was already full and my friend was thinking of something fun. Yeah, how about we used the stairs rather than using the lift.

Floor P4... bombarded with high energy electron
Floor 3A... I think we need Hall's tutti fruitti to boost up our energy
Floor 5... thinking of waiting for the lift
Floor 7... seem like we had a shortage of oxygen
Floor 10... finally, we reached our destination!!


I was thinking that my heart did a hard work to pump out the blood for the oxygen supply to the body muscle
Or maybe some cholesterol blocked the pathway of the artery
Too much lactic acid were accumulated

Conclusion : I'm becoming less fit over the time. Easily to get exhausted when doing some extra and vigorous movements.

Action to be taken :
1. Trying to minimize the usage of lift and vote for the usage of the stairs.
2. Skipping! This can be done even in the unit.

How about listing it down in my new year resolution? *Angguk-angguk. I am doing this for my own benefit and my own satisfaction and my own risk.

* * * * * * *

Another story from the different scene.

One Chinese aunty returned back the money balance and I figured out that the money was torn.

Me: Eh, duit ni koyak la.
The aunty took back the money and I'm hoping for the replacement.
Aunty : (Come and give the exact amount as before)
Me: (Jaw drop) (Dalam hati) Ceit, kalau setakat letak selotape kat tempat koyak tu, aku pun boleh buat sendiri. =.='

Aku pun berlalu begitu saja. Ah, kerek. Aku akan pastikan duit tu digunakan secepat mungkin untuk hapuskan bahan bukti. Perlu ke? Ah, nak buat jugak.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Inequilibrium state

Currently my life now is surrounding by books. Mehehe, Lie. Not all the time but I do try my best to get into the books. The educational one, where the topic discussed are about what are we made up of and the blablaba. I'm trying hard. Back to the college one week earlier just to make sure that I have the last touch up studying and revising the subjects or maybe cover up what I have missed up. Unfortunately, nothing much is covered up here. The quality time of studying is maybe from 10.00 am until 3.00 pm. Hopefully the choice of studying in the uni library will pay us something afterward. Phew.

Can you see that gloves? Ouh, that one is for farming. Go green dude. Haha.

These are the supplements to keep us ALIVE.

Dentyne sponsored by Anis
Choki choki big thanks to Farah
Nostalgic Chewing Gum by me :)

I'm really not that kind of student or person which put 100% their heart into the study. Really I'm not. Walking back to our unit at around 3.00 pm, something that pop up in our mind is that, "Oh, nak makan ape hari ni?" Due to the high life cost and lacking of Malay stall, we have no choice rather than buying something at the one 'Kakak's stall' in front of Watson. Something like kedai pakai buang. No, I mean kedai pasang cabut. Ah, very weak at describing but I know you get the idea huh. Haha.

Once me or my friend of somebody switch on the Internet modem, all the study atmosphere just disappear in one blink. My first intention on turning on the laptop just to check email. Facebook a little. Blogwalking a while but it all turning up that I've lost in the cyberspace. The clock seems ticking very fast. Much time is wasted but I'm still not get back to the real world.

When too much knowledge stuff in my head, I do play this releasing tension game. Ouh, maybe in my perspective only. Presenting SALLY's SALOON. Childish eyh? Hoho better than sticking up 24/7 with the books.

Oryte, straight to point. I am actually will be seating for my AS examination next week. Still not clear. Let me caps it NEXT WEEK. Hey, the exam is

10 JANUARY 2010

Ahhah. That's it.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

2009 is STILL in memory
where we had

Warung Pak Leman
Kelab Melatah
Kelab Lambat Respons
Kelab Berpantun

and not to forget

Korean Fan Unofficial Club
listening to 96.3 FM in JB from 8.00 pm-10.00 pm

life is like a wheel and much more to explore
yet the memories are not faded and will always be here



*owh, what mood is this. back to reality please.
sudah lapuk la weyy


Aku sendiri pun macam tak percaya, pada tahun 2020, ruang blog ini masih wujud dan bernyawa. I'm glad that 4 years ago, I am still writi...